Harisson has been volunteering at the Mary Brennan INN with his mother and brother since he was a freshman in High School. Too young to actually serve a meal to guests at just 14 years old, Harisson was given the “simple” task of wrapping utensil rolls in the volunteer lounge. He took the job to heart and realized that a seemingly small job in a soup kitchen that serves 1,300 meals a week, meant more than just wrapping utensils in napkins.
Take a look at Harisson’s story, in his own words, about how he created the group, “Roll it INN,” not only to give students a more convenient opportunity to volunteer, but to assist The INN with a time-consuming and expensive task.
To join Harisson and Roll it INN with your group or school, click here to visit his website
Transcript of the video is below
Harisson: “When I first came here I expected to actually serve the food but I was only 14, so instead Jason dragged me back to the volunteer lounge where he gave me a small job to do.
You look at one of these, you’re thinking it’s literally just a fork a knife a spoon a napkin and a piece of paper with sticky, but this actually does a lot more.
What we want to do is try and keep a more sanitary environment and try not to get anyone sick having them fish through the fork knife and spoon boxes.
It’s important to feed the stomach definitely but giving them this helps feed the soul.
This little roll and having a place set up for them at these tables it makes them feel like wow, I’m not just here for a meal and they’re just seeing me as someone else to feed. I am an actual person deserving of a place at the table.
And it really is just it’s so much more than just paper and plastic in my opinion.
I’m approaching four years here in my being affiliated with The INN, and during that time we have rolled approximately 18,000 of these rolls.
If you want to help us in feeding other people and just making a difference please contact us and we would be happy to accept you.”