In early June, twin brothers, Siddharth and Shaurya, also affectionately known as the “SnS Bros,” were turning 10 years old, or as they called it, their “first double digits.” As many other children during the Covid-19 crisis, they were going to celebrate their birthday in quarantine, and were not sure how to do it. With the help of their parents, they decided that instead of a grand celebration, they would ask their friends, family and school community for their blessings and help.
In a Facebook post on their father’s page, the brothers created an enthusiastic video requesting donations of non-perishable food in their honor for three different organizations that feed the hungry, including The INN. In addition to over 40 bags and bottles of canned goods, pasta, snacks, juice and other essentials they collected, their Facebook video, thanks to an easy donation button attached, raised $631 for The INN! The boys and their parents, with gloves and big smiles behind their masks, delivered the donated food directly to the Mary Brennan INN soup kitchen on the day of their 10th birthday.
Jigar, the boy’s mother, was grateful to The INN. “Thank you so much for accepting our donations and helping us make our boys understand their civic responsibility,” she sent us in a heartfelt message. We thank the parents for raising wonderful children who understand how important it is to #GetINNvolved in your community. Happy Birthday!
To see the birthday boys’ original video on Facebook, click here